Challenges |
Technical Hurdles |
Originally, the demo world ran on a single Windows NT computer, which
output to
all four projectors. However, Windows NT does not support hardware
acceleration, so the world ran at the slideshow rate of 10 frames per
second. To solve the frame rate problem, the team migrated the world
to Windows 98 machines that had hardware acceleration. Each
computer output to its own projector and shared data with the other
computers over a network. However, due to time constraints and limited
computer availability, the team was only able to run the world on two
networked Win98 machines, rather than four. |
We intially intended to use a SpacePad tracking system to track a "magic wand" that the guest would use for navigation. However, the team could not acquire a tracking card, so instead we used a wireless mouse for lily pad selection. The CUBE was lowered and guests sat in it on a swivel stool with a lap desk. As a result of these setbacks, the guest had to move through the world at a slower pace than would be otherwise expected. |