Week 14 – Apr 29, 2022


This week we focused on preparing for our final presentation. We have made the slide deck and practiced both in the project room and in the actual space several times. On Thursday, the team went to Assemble to playtest. We focused on playtesting the Color Wheel activity. We have also discussed the hand-off of the project with our client.

Final Presentation

Our final presentation will take place on Monday, May 2nd at 10am in the RPIS at ETC. We are going to talk about the product that we made. We will go over each activity and the documentation. Then we will use the color wheel activity as an example to talk about the process. Last but not least, we will have our takeaways and closing statements.

We have practiced our presentation with our faculty advisor, Ricardo, and several other faculty members. On Friday, April 29th, we presented it to our client, Lou Karas, and graduate assistants, Lisa and Katie.

Below is our slide deck.

Playtest at Assemble

On Thursday, April 28th, the team went to Assemble to playtest one last time. We focused on testing the Color Wheel activity. We saw that when playing this activity, kids would work together to problem-solve. They have also developed their own strategy of completing the color wheel. They would also refer to other activities that they played to find some hints. Overall, we think this activity is very successful, and it worked the way that we intended to.

Final Video 

Below is our final promo video 

Looking into Next Week

  • Final presentation, Monday May 2nd
  • Hand-off to client, Thursday May 5th
  • Put all the documentation on our website