This page includes resources that are useful for teachers and for people who are interested in replicating the activities 

COLORIZE documentation includes:

  • Technical Documentations is created to guide people with technical background to maintain, replicate and expand upon our activities. It includes CAD drawings and code. 
  • Starter Guide briefly walks through the activities to help teachers set up and get started quickly
  • User Guide describes each activity and how to use it in detail.
  • Tutorial Video demonstrates how to set up and how to use each activity in a 2-3 minutes video.
  • Color Theory Guide talks about the science of additive light color mixing
  • Materials List provides a shopping list with website links for each activity
  • Colorize Software Archive compiles each software activity made in Unity
  • Design Document talks about our design process and iterations of each activity
  • Instructables is an online platform where we host step-by-step setup instructions of each activity.