After the half presentation, the team received with tons of feedback on both the game mechanisms and UX design. The team constructed new working plan for the remaining of semester to meet the new features forged by the feedback.
This first big direction is to rework the grind system for organizing the 3D world. One of the main feedback from half was the fact that the players were having a hard time navigating through the 3D world to do digging and detecting tasks. A grind system that indicates different area of the map can be helpful in fostering the communications of locations between the two players. In addition, detection like infrared detector will rely on the grind so that the detection can be more precise.

Also, the team has a beautiful new assets for the 3D world ! It will act as the cornerstone for all the terrains in the first level and its art style is going to be the art style of the game.
The second working direction is recreate current UI system to make the UX more friendly to interreact with and more straightforward to understand. The current UI system for both tactical map and 3D world is functioning pretty well. However, the lack of more colorful assets makes it hard to understand and look at. So the designers on the team rework the framework of the UI system to better reflect the feedback on the game and the engineers are working hard to implement this new framework. Click here for an interactive demo.

The last working direction is to create a design for implementing the NPC dialogue system into the game. This system should be able to display NPC dialogue during the gameplay and instruct users throughout the levels. Currently the team is still working on the detailed scripting of the NPC dialogues and the style of displaying it in the game. Below is a general approach on how this system should look like.

That’s actually a lot of features to develop. Starting from next week, the features should be seen in the game and can not wait for it !