
Yifan Deng

Yifan Deng -Producer

Yifan (Gloria) Deng is a designer who focuses on user experience and creative products. She is an empathy problem-solver who focuses on making life better. She is a player who merges entertainment elements in design works. 


Neal Huang – Assist Producer& Programmer

Neal Huang is a game developer and designer studying at Carnegie Mellon University Entertainment Technology Center. With a background in computer graphics and animation, Neal aims to become a game engine developer to help others to build games easier. 


Zi wang

Zi Wang – Programmer

 As a programmer, he is now working towards a Master’s degree in Entertainment Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. Driven by his love for games, he is aiming to be a gameplay programmer and take part in developing all kinds of games.


Qin Zhang – 2D Artist

An 2D/3D artist and 2D animator with a background in Architecture, who is passionate about concept art and indie animation.



Clare Zhou – 3D Artist

Yuzhu Zhou is a 2D and 3D artist and she loves telling stories through her works. The reason for her to come to the ETC is that, through her undergrad years, she realized the importance of working with people from different backgrounds when making a good game.
