Development Blogs


Week 1: Welcome to Team Inkling!

During the first week of the project, the team met and settled down our weekly working schedule and decided each members’ role according to each one’s skillset..

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Week 2: Brainstorming and exploration

During the second week, the team had a few meetings with the faculties and came up with two pitches of the story. Due to the lack of background setting in the original..

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Screenshot 2021-10-01 135255

Week 3: Concept Art and Pipeline Setup

While preparing for the quarter, we put our efforts into making concept arts and storyboard because we think it could help both us and other faculties…

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Week 4: Reference Video and story iterations

From discussions within the group and with instructors, we find we have gaps in our story and we need a way to check how our animation…

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Screenshot 2021-10-01 140200

Week 5: Story Lock and Hand Tracking fix

After several weeks of story grinding and iteration, we finally decided to use the storyline offered by John. In this story, the main character purchased…

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Week 6: Art asset preparation for the 3D and 2D transitions

After setting down the story of 3D objects transforming into 2D objects, we had to make sure what kinds of objects on the desk will be involved…

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WEEK 7: Half is coming…

We did half presentation this week! First time to show our story and animatic in front of many audiences. We spent two weeks creating the 3D animatic…

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Week 8: Speed up with the established pipeline

After we clear all the barriers of the tech and art pipeline, we were able to speed up with the solid production pipeline…

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WEEK 9: Finished the video clips by clips

We also made the page texture of the instruction book for delivering a clear vision of the difference between runes and gestures…

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Image from iOS

Week 10: Reflection after the playtest day

We had an important playtest section with many participants outside ETC to gather feedback from different perspectives…

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Week 11: Preparing for the soft-opening

During this week, we did some preparation for the soft opening. We finalized the animation video by fixing the jittering of hands and adding models…

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During this week the team hold the soft opening and show faculties the latest cut of the animation. We got a lot of feedback…

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During this week, we found out the most distracting part of our animation is the unnatural interaction between hands and objects…

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截屏2021-12-03 上午10.34.14


During the last week of the project, the team was working hard to improve the animation and also prepared for the final presentation…

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