Developed By: Chris

Tech : Oculus DK2 and Keyboard


  • To test how effectively a player is able to detect 3D sound sources in VR


  • Player uses controller to move around the scene, and listen to the 3D sound in order to find where the sound source is

This is an experimental piece solely tries to figure out the use of 3D sound in a virtual reality space. Using first-person perspective, the camera is only attached with a point light, guiding you through the dark wilderness of the forest. The minimum of the visual gives player a mysterious and immersive experience. You, as a snake, has to rely on the 3D sound coming from your prey to navigate. The sound clip plays in a loop, you have to think about the direction and the distance based on the sound. The goal is to reach the sound source (your prey). I would like to integrate the 3D sound navigation with Subpac to providing vibration to the player, adding a new layer of sensation to better the immersion. Moreover, I would like to write a filter for the camera to simulate the snake vision and hopefully simulate the movement of the snake by changing the camera as well.


  • About 90% of players are able to find the sound source within 1 minute
  • Some find it really fast, within 15 seconds or so
  • One technique people used to try to find the sound source was turning their heads really fast to see the variation in volume.