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00001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
00002 //
00003 // MODULE  : client_events.h
00004 //
00005 // PURPOSE : Definition of standard Client Events for use with IStateMgr
00006 //
00007 // CREATED : 04/07/01
00008 //
00009 // (c) 2001 LithTech, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
00010 //
00011 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
00013 #ifndef __CLIENT_EVENTS_H__
00014 #define __CLIENT_EVENTS_H__
00016 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_ENGINE_INIT              = 0;
00017 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_RENDER                   = 1;
00018 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_RENDER_UI                = 2;
00019 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_PHYSICS_UPDATE   = 3;
00020 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_PRE_UPDATE               = 4;
00021 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_UPDATE                   = 5;
00022 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_POST_UPDATE              = 6;
00023 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_ENGINE_TERM              = 7;
00024 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_PRE_LOAD_WORLD   = 8;
00025 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_ON_ENTER_WORLD   = 9;
00026 const uint8 CLNT_EVENT_ON_EXIT_WORLD    = 10;
00028 #endif // __CLIENT_EVENTS_H__

Generated on Tue Oct 16 13:42:10 2001 for The Stage by doxygen1.2.11 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001