Tasks & Goals

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Tasks and Goals


Week One        January 20 - 26


·         Read Naomi Iizuka (Playwright) Play

·         Bounce Ideas

·         Lose 1st Playwright Naomi           January 22nd

·         Brainstorm Individual Ideas

·         Brainstorm Group Ideas

·         Meet Sarah Ruhl                        January 26th, new Playwright

·         Show Perspective Technology

·         Brainstorm with Playwright about possible ideas


Week Two       January 27 – February 2


·         Receive 1st Draft of Play from Playwright

·         Brainstorm more Technology ideas

·         Lay Blueprint of Play format and technology needs

·         Test Technology Possibilities

·         Continue to Test Technology / Implementations

·         Explore different Time Period and Tone qualities of Play

·                     Pen and Ink Style

·                     Turn of the Century         Boardwalks

·                     Scene One        “In The Park”

·                                 Tulips                        

·                     Rothko

·                     Scene Two        “The Museum”

·                                 Museum                  

·                     Scene Three      “The Moon”

·                                 Moon               

·         Collect and Test Demos

·         Dan & Timothy to Louisville for research and Site Survey


Week Three     February 3 – 9   (Cycle 3 Mid-cycle Presentations February 6)


·         Test Demos: Heartbeat, Pressure, Breath

·         LithTech test / Import Export Test

·         Pan out Presentation Methods

·         Sketch out Preliminary “Stage” look and setup

·         Projector / Mannequin Test

·         Faceworks / 3dsMAX Test

·         Playwright Change mind on Tone and Look of Scenes 2 / 8 /02

·                     “The Park” from Tulips to Georges Seurat's “La Grande Jatte”

·                     “The Museum” from Rothko to Gustave Caillebotte “Rue 

                    de  Paris, temps de pluie”

·                     Or Monet's “Haystacks”

·         Retrofit original tone to new tone

·         Setup and demo Test for Playwright

·         Go through and see what worked and did not work with 1st draft

·         Production Schedule outline

·         Record voice talent, round one


Week Four       February 10 – 16            Playwright 2nd visit 2 /16 / 02


·         Continue Retrofit of new tone and look

·         Test new structure

·         Wrangle Faceworks / 3dsMAX

·         Get LithTech code under general architecture

·         Prepare for Playwright Visit

·         Investigate and purchase Mannequins

·         Research / Test Projector needs

·         Compare Projector bids / Purchase 2

·         Second round of Brainstorming with Playwright

·         Explore Ripple effect with overlapping Rothko

·         Set Scene Breakdown and direction

·         Continue Scene Brainstorming and Outline


Week Five       February 17 – 23


·         Receive 2nd Draft of Play

·         Playwright changed Look

·                     From Georges Seurat's “La Grande Jatte” back to Rothko

·                     Ignore Monet's “Haystacks” stay with original ideas

·         Implement Ripple effect

·         Implement overlapping Rothko

·         Get mask relief done and molded

·         Get new mask into cloth skin

·         Make and decision on Faceworks or 3dsMAX

·         Build scene one in 3dsMAX

·         Have rain effect in LithTech working

·         Get Faceworks / 3dsMAX working in LithTech

·         Get a general Set outline and Lighting needs

·         Finalize Production Schedule

·         Pricing for materials list

·         Secure Female and Male Mannequins

·         Secure Projectors


Week Six         February 24 – March 2


·         Received final draft, cleaner endings of scene one and two

·         Secure new voice talent

·         3dsMAX face model completed

·         Build 3d Scene Makeup’s

·         3D Studio Mapping processed completed

·         Rain effect clean and complete

·         Have Scene look for Mannequins and Scenic outlook

·         Secure Male mannequin

·         Have Synchronization hammered out

·         3D Mannequin Projections

·         Hot model swapping

·         Have Scene Two recorded for a demo

·         Have Plaque sketched


Week Seven    March 3 – 9       (Cycle 3 Presentation March 4 & 5)         (Mid-Semester March 7 & 8)


·         Record new Voice Talent

·         Clean up Scenes

·         Have Scene one Effects implemented

·         Design Rear Projection Screen

·         Order Rear Projection Material

·         Design Projector Mounting plates

·         Begin Play Tech / Test Rough Run-thru


Week Eight      March 10 – 16


·         Play interaction solidified

·         Have Projector plates complete

·         Have screen frame build

·         Mount Rear Projection screen

·         Have placard's built


Week Nine       March 17 - 23


·         ETC Tech Run 1

·         ETC Dress Run 1

·         ETC Opening

·         Breakdown and load experience

·         Travel to Louisville

·         Load-in at Louisville

·         Set-up and Tech at Louisville


Week Ten        March 24 – 30


·         ATL Tech 1 - 3

·         ATL Opening     March 26

·         ATL Run March 26 – April 6

·         Begin Grant Writing

·         Compile all documentation

·         Compile Test Results


Week Eleven   March 31 – April 6          (Spring Break April 1 – 4)


·         Humana Run

·         Video taped shows

·         Interviews

·         Took in Humana Shows


Week Twelve   April 7  – April 13 

·         Mid Cycle Presentation

·         Discussed the future of the project

·         Began streamlining the experience

·         Began sending applications to conferences.


Week Thirteen   April 14 - 20

·         Started writing paper to send to magazines

·         Continued Streamlining

·         Created video of experience


Week Fourteen April 21 - 27         

·         Prepared for CMU performance

·         Continued Streamlining

·         Created teaser for BVW show

·         Worked on paper


Week Fifteen  April 28 - May 4         

·         CMU performance

·         BVW Show

·         Prepare for presentation

·         Update web page


Week Sixteen  May 5 - 11         

·         Final Presentation