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ISplEventMgr Member List

This is the complete list of members for ISplEventMgr, including all inherited members.
AddCallback(IEventCallback *pEC, uint8 nEvent, ECallbackType eCT, uint8 nCount, float fTime, uint8 nPriority=EVENTMGR_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]
DebugSpew(printf_fn pPrintfFn)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]
DumpData(printf_fn pPrintfFn)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]
Event(uint8 nEvent, float fFrameTime, float fGameTime, IEventData *pEventData=NULL, uint8 nPriority=EVENTMGR_PRIORITY_ANY)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]
GetCallbackInfo(IEventCallback *pEC, uint8 nEvent, uint8 nPriority, ECallbackType &eCT, uint8 &nCountRemaining, float &fLoopTime, float &fTimeRemaining)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]
interface_version(ISplEventMgr, 0)ISplEventMgr
RemoveCallback(IEventCallback *pEC, uint8 nEvent=EVENTMGR_EVENT_ANY, uint8 nPriority=EVENTMGR_PRIORITY_ANY)=0ISplEventMgr [pure virtual]

Generated on Mon Mar 4 08:42:27 2002 for Aria by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002