Rat Maze of VR    
While we wanted to build a tool to let others test their own manipulation techniques, we also wanted to try out some of our own.

Here are some of the techniques we tried:

Reinforced Rotation
As the guest looks left and right, rotations toward the target (in this case, the cheese) are amplified and rotations away from the target are dampened. The guest must physically turn farther in the real world to produce the same amount of rotation in the virtual space. The target is thus physically easier to look at and then head toward than any other object in the maze.
Nightmare on Elm Street
To the technically minded, this technique modifies the guest’s vertical viewing angle as he looks around the maze – producing a multitude of perspective systems ranging from "normal" to "bizarre" (pictured on the left). To the rest of us, the guest is encouraged to head toward the target because looking elsewhere produces a Nightmare on Elm Street like camera effect.
Reinforced Movement
As the guest moves around the maze, his movements toward the target (the cheese) are amplified and his movements away from the target are minimized. While not quite like a magnet, this technique will pull the guest toward the target in time. The target is physically easier to move toward than other objects in the maze.
Everything Else Darkens
Everything in the maze, except the target, darkens to a dull gray. The target's color remains unchanged, making it the most colorful, and thus attractive, object in the maze.
Wild Undulation
The target undulates wildly, wiggling whenever in view of the guest. This unworldly behavior demands a lot of attention - it is very hard to ignore.
Smooth Undulation
The target (in this case, the door) slowly bows slowly in and out, quickly becoming the most active and intriguing object in the maze. It too is hard to ignore.
Auto Opening Door

As the guest looks more closely at the target door, it opens further and further, as he turns away it closes again. The door is encouraging the guest to enter it by, in effect, making the decision for them.
Footprints At Door

Footprints lead the guest up to and through the targeted door, inviting them to follow.
Follow The Bouncing Ball

A bright bouncing ball appears in front of the guest, and leads them down corridors toward the target (in this case, the red door). The bouncing ball invites the guest to follow it to the goal.
Sound Cues
We build a collection of sound cues that emanate from behind closed doors. Because the sound is localize to a specific location in the maze, the guest can follow the sound toward the goal.
  Main | Description | Goals | The Tool | Techniques
  Evaluation | Inspiration | People | Future Work