
What are virpets?

Virpets (Virtual Reality Puppets) combine traditional puppeteering techniques with the ability of a computer to render virtual characters in a virtual environment. The characters are based on computer-generated models, which are endowed with movable "skeletons" that define points and axes of motion. The movements of these characters are then in turn controlled with variety of input devices, such as familiar joysticks, MIDI controller boards, or custom input hardware. The puppeteer orchestrates a live performance by operating these input devices, directing the motions of the virtual "actor" in much the same way as a marionette.

What can they do?

Virpets are incredibly flexible. They can perform like traditional actors, reciting Shakespearian monologue in Elizabethan costume, or they can transcend the boundaries of the real world and perform in fantastic, surreal landscapes. Virpets can bend the rules of physics, dance in perfect unison, and boradcast their performances across large networks of computers to huge audiences. In short, virpets can perform in any way imaginable.

The Obvious Conclusion

Without doubt, Virpets are the most revolutionary advancement in live virtual computer-generated robotic theatre puppetry yet seen.