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Categories: UnrealScript
If you want limited context highlighting for UnrealScript in DevStudio, you can run regedit and find the following key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0\Text Editor\Tabs/Language Settings\C/C++]

Add "uc" to the FileExtensions list. Make sure DevStudio is shutdown first, otherwise it'll write over your changes when you exit. Now restart DevStudio and you've got some limited context highlighting for UnrealScript!
3:55 PM, October 1st 2001 Added by: Amy

Categories: UnrealEd
If you make a map in which you die immediately whenever you spawn, with a death message like "So-and-so left a big crater", it's most likely because the PlayerStart object is too far above the ground. Note that "too far" is extremely deceptive -- a spawn point just a few feet off the ground (in game-space) is still "too high". They need to be RIGHT down on the ground.
3:24 PM, October 2nd 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealEd
This site has, among other things, a short tutorial that's helpful in making fire (campfires, torches, etc) in UnrealEd.
4:09 PM, October 2nd 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealScript

The syntax of the defaultproperties section of an UnrealScript class has some interesting caveats. When setting the default value of a variable in the defaultproperties section, remember two things:

  • No semicolons are required (in fact, semicolons are counted as syntax errors in this context). Each declaration must use one and only one line of source code.
  • Whitespace matters! foo=0 will compile, foo = 0 will not.
9:22 AM, October 3rd 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealScript
There is a tool called UnDox, which automatically generates JavaDoc-like HTML documentation for Unreal packages. It's AMAZING. Get this program. There should be a copy on Randon.
9:10 PM, October 3rd 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealScript

Here are some guidelines for creating a new game type & player type. For best results, you should overload DeathMatchPlus instead of GameInfo (otherwise you won't get things like player models, realistic physics, Spectator support, etc). And with that as a given, you should overload TournamentPlayer instead of PlayerPawn for your player class, because if you're using DeathMatchPlus as your game type and your Player type isn't a descendent of TournamentPlayer, it'll use TournamentPlayer instead of your player type. This would be bad.

5:44 PM, October 12th 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealScript, Earth Theater

There is a batch file living on the Earth Theater "Renderer" computer called "utcopy.bat". Its purpose is to facilitate the propogation of new copies of .u files to the five client systems.

Simply run "c:\utcopy ModuleName.u", and the script will re-compile ModuleName.u on Renderer, and then copy the new version into the UT System directory on the five clients.

Note that in order to work properly, the clients must NOT be running UT when you run utcopy! If they are, the copy will fail.

6:10 PM, October 16th 2001 Added by: Cort

Categories: UnrealEd, UnrealScript
In order to view the source files for Unreal, you need to unpackage the .uc class files in UnrealEd. To do this, open the Actor Class Browser, go to the File menu and click on Export All Scripts.
10:39 AM, October 17th 2001 Added by: Amy

Categories: UnrealEd
When adding new objects to a map in UnrealEd, it is easier if you add them in the 3d view pane. For some unknown reason, UnrealEd is much more likely to place the items close to the desired spot if you add them in this pane rather than in Top, Side, or Front view.
10:41 AM, October 17th 2001 Added by: Amy

Categories: UnrealEd
If UnrealEd corrupts (shows a white box) - and trust us, it will, just copy a new unrealed.ini file to your UnrealTournament\System folder. You can get a new unrealed.ini file from the UnrealTournament install CD. If that doesn't work, try copying new and unrealed.exe files.
10:44 AM, October 17th 2001 Added by: Amy

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